Who Supports Alaska’s Fair Share?
Native People’s Action
*VOTE YES ON BALLOT MEASURE ONE* - Why Voting Yes on Ballot Measure One Makes Sense For Alaska Ballot Measure One, known as the Fair Share Act, is a ballot initiative that would increase the State of Alaska’s share of revenues from the production of oil. The additional revenues created [Read More...]
Harriet Drummond
"We have cut Alaska’s state budget drastically and continually over the last several years. There is nothing left to cut but essential services. I do not support cutting essential services. I will be voting YES on Ballot Measure 1 to get Alaskans our fair share of oil revenues and this [Read More...]
Don Gray
"FOLLOW THE MONEY! Example >ConocoPhillips, ExxonMobil, BP & Hilcorp Alaska spent over $12million for anti-Ballot Measure #1 "No on" tv ads. Why? To keep taking $2Billion in tax deductions from their rich legacy fields (Prudhoe Bay, Kuparuk and Colville) instead of exploratory sites on federal land." ~Don Gray
Tanana Chiefs Conference
The #TananaChiefs Full Board of Directors, via resolution 2020-20, supports efforts to establish a fair oil and gas taxation structure that preserves vital state programs, infrastructure, and the PFD for the future of all Alaskans. TCC has long supported movement towards a sustainable fiscal plan for our state through resolution and [Read More...]
William Easton
"Alaskans deserve their fair share of income from oil extraction. It is not ok for oil companies to take more then what is reasonable. " ~William Easton
Beth Kerttula
"Please vote YES on Ballot Measure 1. What is happening with our oil taxes is simply shocking. We must change them to be fair before we literally wipe out Alaska’s economy. Alaskan communities are suffering, while huge, international companies are paying us far less for our oil than they [Read More...]
Johnny Ellis
"I served 30 years in the Alaska Legislature and watched corruption and willful ignorance on oil taxes shortchange Alaska. No more. Our Permanent Fund should be approximately 145 Billion, not 68 ! Join me in voting YES on 1. Alaska Fair Share !" Former Senator Johnny Ellis Alaska Legislature [Read More...]
Unions Support Alaska’s Fair Share
Alaskan workers are stronger when we get a fair share. That's why we support Ballot Measure 1. Alaska’s current oil revenue system is out of balance and favors the oil companies at the expense of Alaska’s workers. The minor adjustments proposed by Ballot Measure 1 will help restore [Read More...]
Tonya Brown
"Create a better future for Alaska, vote yes for Alaska’s fair share !" ~Tonya Brown, Fairbanks
Sen. Rick Halford
"In this election no issue is more important to the future of the Permanent Fund system than getting a fair share of the wealth of Alaska’s oil. Of course I am voting yes." ~Sen. Rick Halford Lifelong Republican and longtime Alaska lawmaker, former Senate President
Vic Fischer Supports Alaska’s Fair Share
"I helped write Alaska's Constitution, Ballot Measure 1 honors our constitutional obligation to develop our resources for the maximum benefits of Alaskans. Ballot Measure 1 will fund schools, create jobs, and protect our Alaskan way of life. Vote Yes on 1 to save Alaska."
IBEW Local 1547
"Since SB 21 passed in 2013 we have seen a reduction in the number of Alaskan jobs and oil production. Alaska is facing a fiscal crisis and everything should be on the table being reviewed as part of that discussion and unfortunately oil taxes have not been the last two [Read More...]