“I operate a small business year-round selling fruits and vegetables in the Lake Iliamna area. I am a mother and a wife. I am voting “YES on #1” because oil taxes are the main stream of revenue for the State of Alaska. Our community had an Alaska State Trooper position relocated to Togiak in 2016. Since then, there has not been any public safety officers (AST, VPSO, village police officer or tribal police officer) in any of the Iliamna Lake area villages. The feeling here is that unless someone is dead or severely injured, the troopers will not come to our villages. The Lake and Peninsula Borough entered into a School Bond agreement with the State of Alaska. The State has broken their promise of helping to repay those bonds. Our borough is now footing the additional bill of these bonds in the amount of $1 million. People in rural Alaska need state funding for public safety and functional schools. We need to be proactive and make sure we are receiving our Fair Share.” ~ Evelynn Trefon
Evelynn Trefon
2020-09-29T10:48:42-08:00September 29th, 2020|