
Mike Craft

2020-07-06T08:04:20-08:00July 6th, 2020|

"I think Alaskans have been let down by state officials on oil revenue. We have been shorted by either ignorance (of state government) or special interest lobby, either way - who in their right mind would pay to have oil taken to market. Us Alaskans have supported oil development [Read More...]

Chancy Croft

2020-06-26T11:08:30-08:00June 22nd, 2020|

All of the provisions of the initiative are important. Based on 50 years experience with Alaska's oil tax, I believe three are particularly so. Getting the oil producers tax returns is essential. Alaska has tried unsuccessfully since before statehood to obtain those returns. Under the terms of the 2000 [Read More...]

Harry Crawford

2020-06-17T07:43:54-08:00June 17th, 2020|

"The questions to ask the oil companies and their sycophants are these.  Are there any places in the world where they make as much profit on a per barrel basis as they do on the North Slope legacy fields in Alaska? Is there any place else where the effective [Read More...]

Andrea Lang

2020-06-02T09:49:47-08:00June 2nd, 2020|

"Alaska’s oil tax structure is flawed! It is a policy that creates the most profitable opportunities for oil companies but requires Alaska to actually PAY oil companies to extract our oil. It leaves Alaska with a huge deficit and oil companies walking away with 35% of their worldwide profit after [Read More...]

Jane Angvik

2020-10-09T17:23:00-08:00April 26th, 2020|

"I think this initiative is the PEOPLE of Alaska standing up to claw back what was taken from us by multinational corporations. They recruited and financed the people they wanted to do their bidding and got them elected to the Alaska state legislature. Then those elected officials could give [Read More...]

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