
Eric Treider

2020-05-14T11:16:40-08:00May 14th, 2020|

"It’s a matter of fairness. We should be embarrassed that Alaska’s oil production tax rates are half that of other states. Right now, we are short-changing the health and education of our people in order to backstop the lavish profits of some of the world’s largest corporations. Enough is enough! [Read More...]

Don Callahan

2020-05-14T10:53:49-08:00May 14th, 2020|

"The State of Alaska has been in remiss to get the fair share of it's oil wealth ever since the days when Governor Jay Hammond was instrumental in setting up the permanent fund. The pressures of the Big Three oil extractors in Alaska, BP, Conoco-Phillips, and Exxon have overwhelmed our [Read More...]

Mark Hopkin

2020-05-04T09:51:29-08:00May 1st, 2020|

When I heard that Alaskans were going to vote again on oil taxes, my first thought was, “Can’t we just stick to a tax rate for five seconds?” By nature, I’m a low-tax kind of guy. But then I started to delve a little deeper into our current tax structure, [Read More...]

Paul Seaton

2020-04-27T07:53:16-08:00April 27th, 2020|

"Alaska’s government has shown itself incapable of correcting our broken oil tax system.  Alaskan voters can get around the lobbyists and lead the way to fixing our budgets by Voting YES on Alaska’s Fair Share Oil Tax reform. "

Ross Thompson

2020-04-27T06:21:31-08:00April 26th, 2020|

'I am supporting Vote Yes for Alaska’s Fair Share for the following: People supporting SB21 (current tax structure) did so to encourage the oil industry to invest more to increase production. According to an article in the Anchorage Daily News, April 9, 2013, “...The companies that operate on the North [Read More...]

Jane Angvik

2020-10-09T17:23:00-08:00April 26th, 2020|

"I think this initiative is the PEOPLE of Alaska standing up to claw back what was taken from us by multinational corporations. They recruited and financed the people they wanted to do their bidding and got them elected to the Alaska state legislature. Then those elected officials could give [Read More...]

Les Gara

2020-04-26T10:48:18-08:00April 26th, 2020|

If we want a state that supports good schools, construction jobs, seniors and kids, or protecting the Permanent Fund, we need fair revenue and to end our budget gap. Ending Alaska's oil company tax credits, and fixing the lowest combined oil tax and royalty among major U.S. states, is a [Read More...]

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