
What Can I Do?

2023-04-24T06:27:58-08:00April 24th, 2023|

Time is REALLY short so how can you help? Immediate ask: We would like everyone on the list to pen a letter of support for Senate Bill 114 to the Senate Finance Committee. You should copy your House members as well. You can send a message to the Senate Finance [Read More...]

Sponsor Statement: SB 114

2023-04-21T12:22:13-08:00April 21st, 2023|

Alaska State Senate Rules Committee Senator Bill Wielechowski, Chair Senate Bill 114 Sponsor Statement SB 114 addresses two existing deficiencies with Alaska’s oil tax laws through reasonable reforms. Closing the S-Corp Tax Loophole In 1958 Congress established the S Corporation (S-Corp) tax classification of the IRS tax code to benefit [Read More...]

Alaska’s state budget is broken, and we have a plan to fix it.

2023-04-21T12:15:06-08:00April 21st, 2023|

According to the Spring Revenue Forecast by the Department of Revenue, the State of Alaskawill have a $1 billion shortfall next year. We are facing a fiscal crisis. Senate Bill 114, the OilRevenue Reform bill, represents a new bi-partisan approach to fix two major oil tax loopholes.These Oil tax loopholes [Read More...]

Yes On 1 Earns Anchorage Press Endorsement

2020-11-02T19:23:37-09:00November 2nd, 2020|

Alaska's Largest Weekly Paper Says "Vote YES on Measure 1" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 2, 2020 Contact: campaign manager David Dunsmore (907)278-8000 (headquarters) or (907)830-4288 (cell) Last week supporters of Ballot Measure1, Alaska's Fair Share Act, scored yet another major endorsement as the Anchorage Press published an editorial urging a [Read More...]


2021-02-09T09:48:24-09:00November 2nd, 2020|

(THE FAIR SHARE ACT) Ballot Measure 1 (the Fair Share Act) will amend the current and failed production tax system enacted through Senate Bill 21 (SB21). The Fair Share Act will transparently increase Alaskans’ share from the sale of our oil on average by $1.1 billion per year. Each of [Read More...]

Yes On 1 Wins Fairbanks Daily News-Miner Endorsement

2020-11-01T14:56:34-09:00November 1st, 2020|

Alaska's Oldest Continuously Operating Daily Says "Yes on Ballot Measure 1" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 1, 2020 Contact: campaign manager David Dunsmore (907)278-8000 (headquarters) or (907)830-4288 (cell) With two days left before polls close, supporters of Alaska's Fair Share scored a major endorsement today as the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner published an [Read More...]

Compare AK Oil & Gas Production Tax Rev. Actual vs. Est. from Fair Share Act

2020-11-01T12:25:03-09:00November 1st, 2020|

Detailed Modeling Compares Existing Production Taxes with Alaska’s Fair Share Act Detailed Modeling by Former Tax Director of the Department of Revenue Compares Existing Production Taxes Under Senate Bill 21 with Ballot Measure 1 The comparison reveals the State has paid and owes more in cashable credits than it has received [Read More...]

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