Dunsmore: Today’s decision makes it even more urgent that we pass Ballot Measure 1
September 4, 2020
Contact: David Dunsmore (907)278-8000 (headquarters) or (907)830-4288 (cell)
Vote Yes for Alaska’s Fair Share released the following statement from campaign manager David Dunsmore concerning today’s Alaska Supreme Court decision in Forrer v. State of Alaska:
“Today’s decision makes it even more urgent that we pass Ballot Measure 1. Alaska’s Fair Share is the only revenue solution that can be implemented this fiscal year to protect Alaskan jobs, schools, the Permanent Fund, and critical services like the Alaska Marine Highway.
“While the credits at issue in the today’s decision have been repealed, the wasteful per barrel tax credits continue to cost Alaskans tens of millions of dollars every year. Alaskans have been paying the cost of these credits with their jobs, their ferries, their dividends, and higher local taxes. Ballot Measure 1 will end these wasteful credits for our three largest and most profitable fields- the Prudhoe Bay Unit, the Kuparuk River Unit, and the Colville River Unit.”
For additional information contact campaign manager David Dunsmore at (907)278-8000 (headquarters) or (907)830-4288 (cell). Learn more about Ballot Measure 1 at