ConocoPhillips and Hilcorp spend big to tell Alaskans to “Reject Outsiders meddling in Alaska”

September 15, 2020
Contact: David Dunsmore (907)278-8000 (headquarters) or (907)830-4288 (cell)

Today, Yes on 1, the group of life-long Alaskans backing Ballot Measure 1, called on Texas-based ConocoPhillips and Hilcorp to pull their misleading ads attacking Yes on 1 supporters.

Yes on 1 is, in fact, funded and controlled by life-long Alaskans with over 99% of the contributions coming from Alaskans.

The misleading attack ads are funded almost entirely by “Outside” Texas-based oil producers seeking to avoid paying Alaskans a fair share for Alaska’s oil. A recent filing with the Alaska Public Offices Commission reveals the top three contributors funding these misleading attack ads are Texas‑based ConocoPhillips spending $400,000, Texas-based Hilcorp spending $400,000, and an Alaskan Corporation spending $500. The Texas-based oil companies apparently needed an Alaskan corporation to spend $500 so its name could be used on the misleading attack ads.

Like the misleading attack ads, ONEAlaska, the group opposed to Ballot Measure 1, is also almost entirely funded by Outside Texas‑based oil companies which have contributed over 95% of the $14.4 million being spent to persuade Alaskans to vote no on Ballot Measure 1 and continue to take less for our oil.

“This has to be the biggest self-own in Alaska political history,” said Sen. Bill Wielechowski. “They spend 25 seconds attacking Outsiders meddling in Alaska elections and then reveal the ad was paid for by two giant Texas corporations.”

Yes on 1 campaign manager David Dunsmore expressed bemusement with the new ads. “We’re used to deception from our opposition,” Dunsmore said, “but this goes beyond any semblance of truth. To reject Outsiders meddling in Alaska, Alaskans should vote yes on Ballot Measure 1 to let the Texas-based oil producers know they should not be meddling in Alaska’s elections.”

“Using false information to run a campaign shows the oil industry wants to avoid the merits, which make clear that unjustifiable oil tax breaks they get need to end so we have needed, fair revenue in this state,” said former Rep. Les Gara, who is volunteering with Republicans, Independents and Democrats to help the Vote Yes campaign.

“It is disappointing that the Alaska Chamber has allowed themselves to be used as a shill for Texas-based oil producers trying to pay Alaskans less than our oil is worth,” said initiative sponsor Robin Brena, an oil and gas attorney from Anchorage. “Ballot Measure 1 will keep $1.1 billion per year more of our oil wealth in Alaska, creating jobs and helping Alaskans. This is the economic equivalent of 11,000 new jobs paying $100,000 per year, which are more jobs than the entire oil industry provides in Alaska.”

“The Alaska Chamber should not be working for Texans and against Alaskans and our jobs,” said Brena.

Ballot Measure 1 would increase Alaska’s share of production revenue only from Alaska’s three largest and most profitable oil fields. It would end the shroud of secrecy and make company profits on these fields public information so it can no longer be hidden. The Fair Share Act will be decided by voters in the November 3 election.

For additional information contact campaign manager David Dunsmore at (907)278-8000 (headquarters) or (907)830-4288 (cell).

Read coverage of this ad from Dermot Cole here.


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The shameless outside spending from Big Oil continues to interfere in this Alaskan election. Can you help make sure our interests are the deciding factor?

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