Alaska’s Fair Share

Tanana Chiefs Conference endorses Ballot Measure 1

2020-10-29T11:16:29-08:00October 29th, 2020|

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 29, 2020 Contact: David Dunsmore (907) 830-4288 (cell) or (907) 278-8000 (headquarters) Alaska’s Fair Share Act sponsors wish to extend a heartfelt Ana Bassee’ (Thank you!) to Tanana Chiefs Conference for their endorsement of Ballot Measure 1 Alaska’s Fair Share Act. “This endorsement by Tanana Chiefs [Read More...]

An honor to work with great Alaskans on Ballot Measure 1

2020-10-27T17:24:57-08:00October 27th, 2020|

I want Alaskans to know about the kind of people I've had the pleasure of working with over the last year and a half as our little group of Alaskans worked to give you the opportunity to vote on whether or not we receive a Fair Share of Alaska's oil- [Read More...]

Real Studies Support Real Benefits from Ballot Measure 1

2020-10-28T16:46:46-08:00October 27th, 2020|

Big Oil Talking Points Thoroughly Debunked by GAO Report and Academic Study FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 27, 2020 Contact: Robin Brena at (907)258-2000 (office) or (907)223-1000(cell) Alaska started going broke as soon as the oil companies were able to get Senate Bill 21 passed. The worst part of SB21 is [Read More...]

What about ringfencing?

2020-10-24T14:26:38-08:00October 24th, 2020|

In Alaska, it’s exploitation by deductions from oil by Joe Paskvan, Fairbanks originally published 10/22/20 Fairbanks Daily News-Miner The shameless character of oil executives is world class. They are so used to exploiting governments and people that they just don’t see themselves as they truly are: exploiters. The apex of [Read More...]

Juneau Lit-Drop

2020-10-21T15:03:59-08:00October 21st, 2020|

Thank you for your interest in helping pass Alaska’s Fair Share! Please Join us for a contact free lit drop in support of Ballot Measure 1! With a simple action we can drive up turnout for Ballot Measure 1 by getting information into the hands of our friends and neighbors [Read More...]

Juneau Lit-Drop

2020-10-21T14:58:32-08:00October 21st, 2020|

Thank you for your interest in helping pass Alaska’s Fair Share! Please Join us for a contact free lit drop in support of Ballot Measure 1! With a simple action we can drive up turnout for Ballot Measure 1 by getting information into the hands of our friends and neighbors [Read More...]

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