Juneau Lit-Drop

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Thank you for your interest in helping pass Alaska’s Fair Share!

Please Join us for a contact free lit drop in support of Ballot Measure 1! With a simple action we can drive up turnout for Ballot Measure 1 by getting information into the hands of our friends and neighbors who are undecided. Please share this opportunity within your networks and  friend groups. If you can, invite 2 or 3 others by forwarding this email, and text your friends to let them know this is happening.

We have two weeks until the election and many Alaskans are already voting. If we work hard we have a shot at fixing our oil tax system and mitigating our budget crisis.


  • Thursday October 22 at 1 PM 
  • Saturday October 24 at 12 PM


  1. Meet at IBEW Hall 813 W 12 Street, Juneau (Across from School District Office).
  2. Check in and receive packet with map of targeted neighborhood
  3. Go in separate cars to target
  4. Walk door to door and hang flyers on door knobs until you have none left, or feel free to take your packet and try to complete by Sunday morning at your own convenience.


  • Please bring a mask and good walking shoes
  • If a house says no soliciting or has a No On 1 sign, move on to the next one
  • This is a no contact lit drop, so no need to knock just hang the flyer and keep walking!
  • If people do come to the door politely explain that you are with Alaska’s Fair Share
  • These are not persuasion visits we are just trying to get the flyers out there



Call, text or email organizer Miguel Rohrbacher with any questions you have before, during, or after the event(s)




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