
Compare AK Oil & Gas Production Tax Rev. Actual vs. Est. from Fair Share Act

2020-11-01T12:25:03-09:00November 1st, 2020|

Detailed Modeling Compares Existing Production Taxes with Alaska’s Fair Share Act Detailed Modeling by Former Tax Director of the Department of Revenue Compares Existing Production Taxes Under Senate Bill 21 with Ballot Measure 1 The comparison reveals the State has paid and owes more in cashable credits than it has received [Read More...]

Vic Fischer Supports Alaska’s Fair Share

2020-10-12T16:10:03-08:00October 12th, 2020|

"I helped write Alaska's Constitution, Ballot Measure 1 honors our constitutional obligation to develop our resources for the maximum benefits of Alaskans. Ballot Measure 1 will fund schools, create jobs, and protect our Alaskan way of life. Vote Yes on 1 to save Alaska."

Supreme Court Upholds Ruling to Correct Ballot Measure 1 Summary

2020-08-26T17:11:30-08:00August 26th, 2020|

Brena:"This is a victory for the voters" FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE August 26, 2020 Contact: Robin Brena (907) 258-2000 or (907) 223-1000 Today the Alaska Supreme Court upheld Superior Court Judge William F. Morse's ruling ordering Lt. Gov. Kevin Meyer (R-Anchorage) to correct the ballot summary for Ballot Measure 1, Alaska’s [Read More...]

David Vs Goliath

2020-05-19T08:18:20-08:00May 19th, 2020|

The election is 6 months away and Big Oil's surrogates already have $5.4 million ready to spend against Alaska's best interests*.  What they don't expect is Alaska fighting back and protecting our interests. Help us pass the Fair Share Act. #standupforAlaska! [give_form id="336"]     *https://www.adn.com/business-economy/energy/2020/05/18/oil-companies-donate-heavily-to-fight-initiative-aiming-to-raise-production-taxes/  

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