Robin Brena

An honor to work with great Alaskans on Ballot Measure 1

2020-10-27T17:24:57-08:00October 27th, 2020|

I want Alaskans to know about the kind of people I've had the pleasure of working with over the last year and a half as our little group of Alaskans worked to give you the opportunity to vote on whether or not we receive a Fair Share of Alaska's oil- [Read More...]

Real Studies Support Real Benefits from Ballot Measure 1

2020-10-28T16:46:46-08:00October 27th, 2020|

Big Oil Talking Points Thoroughly Debunked by GAO Report and Academic Study FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 27, 2020 Contact: Robin Brena at (907)258-2000 (office) or (907)223-1000(cell) Alaska started going broke as soon as the oil companies were able to get Senate Bill 21 passed. The worst part of SB21 is [Read More...]

UAA Debate

2020-10-08T17:01:47-08:00October 8th, 2020|

Are you still undecided on Alaska's Fair Share Act? Join us at UAA for a debate on the merits. Arguing for the ballot measure are Robin Brena, Chair of Vote Yes for Alaska's Fair Share and Senator Bill Wielechowski. Arguing against the ballot measure are Roger Marks, former Petroleum Economist [Read More...]

Wielechowski and Brena Scored Decisive Victory

2020-10-08T12:04:06-08:00October 7th, 2020|

Yes On 1 Wins Debate as Opposition Debater Admits Production Revenues Should be Raised FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 7, 2020 Contact: David Dunsmore (907)278-8000 (headquarters) or (907)830-4288 (cell) Yesterday Yes On 1 debaters Sen. Bill Wielechowski (D-East Anchorage) and oil and gas attorney and initiative sponsor Robin Brena convincingly [Read More...]

Detailed Modeling Compares Existing Production Taxes with Alaska’s Fair Share Act

2020-10-07T09:33:10-08:00October 6th, 2020|

Detailed Modeling by Former Tax Director of the Department of Revenue Compares Existing Production Taxes Under Senate Bill 21 with Ballot Measure 1 The comparison reveals the State has paid and owes more in cashable credits than it has received in production taxes under SB21. It also reveals permitting unrelated costs [Read More...]

Ballot Measure 1 means jobs

2020-10-06T08:46:02-08:00October 6th, 2020|

Ballot Measure 1 (the Fair Share Act) amends the current production tax regime created under Senate Bill 21 (SB21) to make it fairer and more transparent for Alaskans. The major Texas-based producers and their surrogates who fashioned SB21 will say anything to keep Alaskans from amending SB21 and getting a fair [Read More...]

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