radio interview

Jane Angvik and Harry Crawford on “Wisdom Wednesday”

2020-10-19T11:08:26-08:00October 19th, 2020|

Jane Angvik and Harry Crawford will appear on KSRM's weekly "Wisdom Wednesday" hour. This is a call-in radio show so be ready to ask your Alaska's Fair Share Questions. Host: Duane Bannock KSRM 920AM – call or text in line 907-283-5811

Bill Wielechowski and Mary Lynn Dahl on KFMJ in Ketchikan

2020-10-06T16:38:25-08:00October 6th, 2020|

Tune in on Friday morning at 11:25 on Ketchikan's KFMJ 99.9 the Rock. Bill Wielechowski and Mary Lynn Dahl will discuss all things Alaska's Fair Share and how a Yes On 1 will affect Ketchikan and Alaska's Southeast communities. You can listen live online from anywhere in the state at [Read More...]

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