
Tax Revenue Actual vs Estimated

2020-11-03T15:59:12-09:00November 1st, 2020|

This compares production taxes since SB21 passed (2015-2019) under SB21 and the Fair Share Act with and without cashable credits included.  Without cashable credits considered, the five-year average was $403 million under SB21 and $1,552 million under the Fair Share Act or a $1,149 million difference.  With cashable credits [Read More...]

Detailed Modeling Compares Existing Production Taxes with Alaska’s Fair Share Act

2020-10-07T09:33:10-08:00October 6th, 2020|

Detailed Modeling by Former Tax Director of the Department of Revenue Compares Existing Production Taxes Under Senate Bill 21 with Ballot Measure 1 The comparison reveals the State has paid and owes more in cashable credits than it has received in production taxes under SB21. It also reveals permitting unrelated costs [Read More...]

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