
Latest Past Events

Jane Angvik and Harry Crawford on “Wisdom Wednesday”


Jane Angvik and Harry Crawford will appear on KSRM's weekly "Wisdom Wednesday" hour. This is a call-in radio show so be ready to ask your Alaska's Fair Share Questions. Host: Duane Bannock KSRM 920AM – call or text in line 907-283-5811

UAA Debate


Are you still undecided on Alaska's Fair Share Act? Join us at UAA for a debate on the merits. Arguing for the ballot measure are Robin Brena, Chair of Vote Yes for Alaska's Fair Share and Senator Bill Wielechowski. Arguing against the ballot measure are Roger Marks, former Petroleum Economist [Read More...]

Facebook Event – Valley Faith Interaction

Facebook Event

Confused about ballot measure 1? VIA and AFACT are hosting a free, online informational forum. The event will include an overview of the ballot measure, a brief presentation by campaigns on both sides of the issue, and a question & answer section. It will be streamed on FB live.

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