Volunteer Night
Zoom OnlineJoin us for a fun online phonebanking event. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87164977622?pwd=WEQveEtVYWVNUHQ1VzNIREFGZlVRUT09
Join us for a fun online phonebanking event. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87164977622?pwd=WEQveEtVYWVNUHQ1VzNIREFGZlVRUT09
Senator Bill Wielechowski will appear on KSRM's Birds Eye View. Start thinking about your questions and tell your friends to listen in. You can call in to 907-283-8700 to ask all things #AlaskasFairShare! You can listen live from anywhere in the state at https://www.radiokenai.net/listen-online/
Help distribute literature to your friends and neighbors. You won't have to knock on anyone's doors. Anyone who volunteers for literature dropping will get a free Yes on 1 Mask! To be Covid safe, masks and gloves will be provided. Meet at 10am at our Anchorage HQ on either Saturday [Read More...]