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Bill Wielechowski and Mary Lynn Dahl on KFMJ in Ketchikan

KFMJ Ketchikan

Tune in on Friday morning at 11:25 on Ketchikan's KFMJ 99.9 the Rock. Bill Wielechowski and Mary Lynn Dahl will discuss all things Alaska's Fair Share and how a Yes On 1 will affect Ketchikan and Alaska's Southeast communities. You can listen live online from anywhere in the state at [Read More...]

Volunteer Night

Zoom Online

Join us for a fun online phonebanking  event. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87164977622?pwd=WEQveEtVYWVNUHQ1VzNIREFGZlVRUT09

Facebook Event – Valley Faith Interaction

Facebook Event

Confused about ballot measure 1? VIA and AFACT are hosting a free, online informational forum. The event will include an overview of the ballot measure, a brief presentation by campaigns on both sides of the issue, and a question & answer section. It will be streamed on FB live.

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