Volunteer Night
Zoom OnlineJoin us for a fun online phonebanking event. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87164977622?pwd=WEQveEtVYWVNUHQ1VzNIREFGZlVRUT09
Join us for a fun online phonebanking event. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87164977622?pwd=WEQveEtVYWVNUHQ1VzNIREFGZlVRUT09
Help distribute literature to your friends and neighbors. You won't have to knock on anyone's doors. Anyone who volunteers for literature dropping will get a free Yes on 1 Mask! To be Covid safe, masks and gloves will be provided. Meet at 10am at our Anchorage HQ on either Saturday [Read More...]
Thank you for your interest in helping pass Alaska’s Fair Share! Please Join us for a contact free lit drop in support of Ballot Measure 1! With a simple action we can drive up turnout for Ballot Measure 1 by getting information into the hands of our friends and neighbors [Read More...]
Help distribute literature to your friends and neighbors. You won't have to knock on anyone's doors. Anyone who volunteers for literature dropping will get a free Yes on 1 Mask! To be Covid safe, masks and gloves will be provided. Meet at 10am at our Anchorage HQ on either Saturday [Read More...]
Mark Myers and Evan Eads will be live on KSRM's Bird's Eye View. Start thinking about your questions and tell your friends to listen in. https://www.radiokenai.net/listen-online/ Host: Bob Bird Jesse Bjorkman KSRM 920AM – call or text in line 907-283-5811
Join us for a fun online phonebanking event. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87164977622?pwd=WEQveEtVYWVNUHQ1VzNIREFGZlVRUT09
Paul Seaton will appear on KSRM’s weekly “Wisdom Wednesday” hour. This is a call-in radio show so be ready to ask your Alaska’s Fair Share Questions. https://www.radiokenai.net/listen-online/ Host: Duane Bannock KSRM 920AM – call or text in line 907-283-5811
Join us for a fun online phonebanking event. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87164977622?pwd=WEQveEtVYWVNUHQ1VzNIREFGZlVRUT09
Join us at the corner of Seward Highway and Northern Lights in Anchorage! Bring your mask and we'll bring signs!
Help distribute literature to your friends and neighbors. You won't have to knock on anyone's doors. Anyone who volunteers for literature dropping will get a free Yes on 1 Mask! To be Covid safe, masks and gloves will be provided. Meet at 10am at our Anchorage HQ on either Saturday [Read More...]
Help distribute literature to your friends and neighbors. You won't have to knock on anyone's doors. Anyone who volunteers for literature dropping will get a free Yes on 1 Mask! To be Covid safe, masks and gloves will be provided. Meet at 10am at our Anchorage HQ on either Saturday [Read More...]
Join us for a fun online phonebanking event. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87164977622?pwd=WEQveEtVYWVNUHQ1VzNIREFGZlVRUT09